Material Ventures by Katie Palencsar
I founded Material Ventures with a rare perspective: I've been a founder, venture capital investor, buyer, and seller - of both products and companies. I've sold software, services, ideas, financial products, and businesses. I've raised capital as a founder, investor, and board member, and I've launched companies, products, funds, and venture studios. This 360-degree experience offers a unique ability to see around corners and uncover opportunities others might overlook.

Strategic operator

Passionate Investor


Multi-Sectoral Expert

Empathetic ADVISOR

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We guide through the crucial phases of launching, scaling and exiting businesses.

“Katie is a visionary, no-nonsense leader who sees what's coming before most of us”
"From the moment I was introduced to Katie, I knew I wanted to work with her. Specifically, her passion and future forward focus on using technology and data was right up my alley. It has been a privilege to work with her as she managed the extremes that a disruptive, women-led startup can bring. Katie is a visionary, no-nonsense leader who sees what’s coming before most of us and we are better off for it."
Lauren S. Moores, PhD, Global Lead of ContinuumLab.ai
Lauren S. Moores, PhD, Global Lead of ContinuumLab.ai